no more

Brand Identity,Campaign

Together we can end domestic violence and sexual assault



The primary objective of this logo is to provide victims with a safe and comfortable space to share their experiences and seek support. The use of bright and inviting design elements aims to create an atmosphere of trust and openness, where victims can feel empowered to ask for help without fear of judgement or stigma. In addition to providing a safe space for victims, the logo also aims to promote the slogan “NO MORE” as a powerful tool for preventing harm and discrimination. By incorporating this slogan into the logo design, we hope to encourage people to stand up against injustice and work towards creating a safer, more inclusive society. Overall, the goal of this logo is to make a positive impact on the lives of victims and promote a culture of safety, support, and inclusivity.



The purpose of this campaign is to raise awareness about the work of the No More association, which many people are still unfamiliar with. Through the use of flash mobs and other tactics, we aim to spark conversation and generate sustained attention around this important issue.


Guerrilla Ad

The main purpose of umbrellas is to protect people from natural factors such as rain, snow, wind, and the sun. In this campaign, the umbrella serves as a powerful symbol of protection, representing the idea of shielding oneself from both physical and emotional harm. The rounded shape of the umbrella also suggests a non-aggressive approach to conflict resolution, deflecting potential harm without striking back. By using the umbrella as a symbol of protection, the campaign encourages individuals to stand up for themselves and others against any harmful forces and to create a safer, more supportive community.



Verbal abuse can encompass a wide range of behaviors and can be more subtle than just using curse words. Domestic violence includes not only physical violence but also emotional, psychological, and verbal abuse. It’s important to recognize that we may unintentionally use language that can be hurtful to others. One example of this is when we insult or demean someone without realizing it. I created a poster that illustrates this example of violence in hopes that people will become more aware and vigilant about their language. Once spoken, words can have a lasting impact and can be difficult to take back. Therefore, it’s important to choose our words carefully, keeping in mind that they have the power to deeply affect someone else’s emotions and self-esteem.


Brand Expressions




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